Katherine F.H. Heart, GPC, M.Ed., a GPA Approved Trainer, developed and presented the Advanced Proposal Writing Series for hundreds of nonprofits from 2011-2019 in cooperation with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center. The specific topics are available in flexible formats (in person and virtual) for university courses and nonprofit staff team training. Please request more information on our Contact page. 

Katherine utilizes a Train-Coach-Mentor process that enables participants to learn and practice how to develop a pre-proposal plan with an estimated budget, research compatible funders, make initial inquiries, and prepare the best case for support in the narrative grant proposal, project budget, and attachments for hard copy and online applications with limited character space. Takeaways include PowerPoints, hands-on exercises, LOI and proposal examples, sample outlines and template tools (hard copy and electronic files) in MS Word and Excel, and proposal feedback. Participants are encouraged to bring a non-deadline proposal to develop or improve during the courses.

A GRANT COHORT of regional nonprofits and United Way staff was sponsored by the Nonprofits LEAD Program at Marietta College, OH and the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley. Katherine presented in-person training courses with virtual proposal coaching to build grant competencies and skills for capacity-building projects in a nine-county rural and small-town region of Ohio and West Virginia. Courses were presented in Vienna and Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Course Descriptions:

* Grant Course 101: Grant Process, Funder Research and Developing Initial Inquiries

This course assumes no prior knowledge or experience with grants. The early stage of grant seeking can present a challenge to find matching funders and make the case for support in an online form with a limited number of words or characters, or a business letter of a few pages or less. Participants will learn how to: (1) monitor funding trends and grant opportunities; (2) identify and prioritize multiple funders based on matching organizational needs; (3) develop a pre-proposal plan, budget estimate, and Letter of Inquiry; (4) polish organizational information into a succinct and engaging capacity statement; and (5) present compelling problem/need data and information for the geographic service area and populations served.

* Grant Course 102: Proposal Development and Writing

Participants will learn how to: (1) expand the pre-proposal and LOI into a full grant application; (2) utilize a Logic Model and Gantt Chart to present the program/project concept, goals, SMART objectives, key activities, staffing and timeline; (3) develop partnerships; (4) present a practical evaluation plan with realistic and measurable outcomes; and (5) use sample tools and formats that are requested by funders to develop a full grant application.

* Grant Course 103: Sustainability & Grant Budgets

Participants will learn how to: (1) understand diverse funding sources needed to sustain not-for-profit programs/projects and organizations; (2) develop a funding strategy and sustainability plan involving multiple funders; (3) identify in-kind and community resources; (4) use a common grant budget form to construct the proposal budget and narrative justification for proposed activities; (5) prepare required attachments; and (6) get ready for the post-award responsibilities of stewardship, grant management and reporting.

Participants who attended all sessions and prepared a competitive grant application and budget received a Certificate of Completion. The courses described above were Accepted Education Programs for GPCI-certified individuals and candidates for the GPC certification by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute in 2022.