Katherine has provided this popular seminar in cooperation with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center.


This one-day seminar is for individuals who have a basic understanding and experience with grant proposal writing and want to apply their writing and strategies for proposal requests that seek support for organizational overhead, administrative, and operating expenses.

Participants will learn about:

>Types of Support: Operating vs Program vs Capital Requests

>Current Trends: Philanthropic support for overhead costs

>Gift or Grant? Process for Finding Best Fit Funders

>Pre-Proposal Worksheet and Letter of Inquiry for Operating Support

>Organizing and Writing an Operating Proposal using the Common Grant Application Format

>Checklist: Strategies for Successful Operating Grants

Participants will receive detailed PowerPoint notes, a pre-proposal worksheet for operating support, a grant tracking template, and an outline for an operating proposal using the Common Grant Application Format.

Evaluation comments from previous participants:

"I’ve learned what I’ve done right and what mistakes I’ve made. I hope that I can turn things around and keep the organization running…very thorough, tracking system worksheet and funder search information…the best thing was the overall topic and the budget section…the slide handout is going to be a great resource in the future.”

“Katherine’s insight provides real-world grant experience… resources included books, handouts, electronic templates, and sample proposals…insider tips and strategies…data gathering and proposal strategies for how to slant your message to focus on agency opportunities rather than agency needs…she stayed on course the entire time-the seminar went swiftly without boring lulls.”

Learning objectives correspond to competencies and skills tested in the GPC (Grant Professional Certified) credentialing examination offered by the Grant Professional Certification Institute (GPCI).