Heart Resources, LLC provides comprehensive grant services and related technical writing for concept papers, white papers, Request for Proposals (RFP) and bid documents, and grant training and proposal coaching for staff teams. Katherine has served grant-eligible and grantmaking organizations including governmental units (municipalities and county, state and federal agencies), colleges and universities, operating foundations, nonprofit organizations with 501(c)(3) IRS tax-exempt status, and nonprofits with a fiscal sponsor. Grant services are not available to privately-owned businesses (except corporate foundations). Businesses are welcome to attend Crash Course in Grants to learn about proposal writing in general. 

Heart Resources, LLC adheres to the ethical standards of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) prohibiting compensation based upon contingency fees (receiving a percentage of funded grants similar to a sales commission). Contingency fees violate the ethical codes of national grant and fundraising organizations. It is considered an "under the table" arrangement since most funders will not award a grant if some of the funds are going towards writing grant proposals unless stipulated upfront. The organization and writer may face legal action and/or be required to return the funds.

The typical payment arrangement is a professional fee paid from overhead, unrestricted or administrative budget, or from general contributions not designated for another purpose. In exceptional situations, fees have been paid by a major donor, Board member, and private foundations. Grant services are typically paid from overhead as with professional fees for accounting, legal assistance, and strategic planning.

Heart Resources, LLC has set fees based on the costs to provide services including computer equipment, online and document software fees, website, professional development, memberships, and credentialing fees, along with a reasonable salary (including payroll taxes and business fees).

Request an estimate for grant services which can vary according to the scope of the project and services requested, type of funder (federal vs foundation), complexity of the application, and deadline. As a social mission-driven business, Katherine has made a reasonable living - not a fortune - serving the nonprofit sector. Fees range from $90/hour depending upon the number of contracted hours. A Grant Services Guide is available with a full description of services and fee payment options, along with a contract to begin providing grant services. 

Important Note to Pennsylvania nonprofit organizations and any entity requesting PA foundation or corporate grants: Heart Resources, LLC maintains annual registration as a Professional Fundraising Counsel with the Pennsylvania Department of State, Bureau of Corporations and Charitable Organizations under the Solicitation of Funds for Charitable Purposes Act. Services include funder research, grant proposal writing, external monitoring, and reporting. Katherine provides a Grant Train-Coach-Mentor Service and Train-the-Grant-Trainer Service for capacity-building to improve the internal grant capabilities of staff teams.

PA contract approval is not required for non-grant technical writing projects, government grant applications, train-coach-mentor services, quick turnaround external reviewer feedback, and proposal coaching for local, state, and federal grant applications.

Many states have similar fundraising counsel rules and regulations. If grant proposal writing for foundation and corporate grant applications is requested by an organization outside of Pennsylvania, it is highly likely that the state in which it is headquartered, and every state where potential funders are located, will require registration costing hundreds of dollars. As an alternative, the Grant Train-Coach-Mentor Service teaches staff, interns, and/or volunteers to prepare proposals and provides editorial feedback.

How to Start Receiving Services:

1) Send a message about your organizational needs. If the project is not a fit referrals to other qualified contractors may be available through colleagues and message posting at the Grants Cafe.

2) If the project is a fit, Katherine will provide a two-page resume or full CV and Grant Services Guide, which is a document containing a full list and description of all services and deliverables, working arrangements, a rate sheet, and a sample contract. 

3) A more detailed exchange of information takes place, such as email and phone communications to gather specific program/project information, a link to RFPs, deadlines, and a proposal work plan (for an imminent due date). This step enables Katherine to provide a more exact estimate.

4) When the terms and do-not-exceed fee are mutually agreeable, the authorized representatives (CEO and Board Member) and Katherine will sign the contract.

5) Katherine provides services as described in the contract. Monthly invoices are sent to the authorized contract signer and are due upon receipt unless other arrangements are made.

The intake process may take as little time as 24 hours for an estimate and contract to train staff or start reviewing a government grant, based on availability.


In general, volunteer grant proposal writing conflicts with IRS definitions of hobby/volunteer versus paid work and makes it more complicated to conduct a grant business. Katherine may choose to volunteer for time-limited training/coaching or review projects with the hours counting toward renewal of her GPC (Grant Professional Certified) credential. Grant services are “mission-driven” and have always been carried out in an ethical, socially responsible manner with priority placed on community impact over high profits.

If your organization is having difficulty finding and/or affording a grant professional, you are encouraged to attend the Grants Café meetups and request a volunteer (pro bono, in-kind) grant proposal writer, intern, or consultant. Events are attended by early career grant pros, freelancers, and interns who may be looking for projects to develop for their resume and writing portfolio. Katherine is a trainer/coach/mentor for individuals in their grant career/business and may be able to make referrals.