Katherine's role has involved consulting with staff and board to develop annual and muli-year special project and program plans, funding sources, grant proposal writing, editing, and reviewing for initial inquiries, concept papers, and online applications, and developing all sections of the grant proposal and related documents following the Common Grant Application Format.
Online application forms
Cover letter
Executive summary or abstract
Organizational capacity statement
Problem/need statement and demographic analysis and charts
Program/project design with goals and activities illustrated in a Logic Model and/or Gantt Chart
Program evaluation plan with measurable methods and outcome statements
Project budget and justification
Required attachments such as letters of support (MOU), job descriptions, and organizational charts
External monitoring for awarded projects to prepare interim and final grant reports
Following is a partial sample list of projects for which Katherine has prepared proposals and reports in cooperation with organizations (not including confidential projects) with awards ranging from $1K to $10M dollars.
Access Technology Equipment and Program for Youth with Visual Impairments
Allegheny County Jail Hotline
Ambassadors Project-Let Out Voices Be Heard
A Mentor for Every Sixth Grader (Concept Paper)
Birth Circle for Teens: A Relational Approach to Teenage Pregnancy
Boiler Replacement Project
Capital Renovations Plan
Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (Federal Reviewer)
Comprehensive Health Center Behavioral Health Expansion
Comprehensive Health Center Continuation Grant
Construction of Accessible Locker Rooms at Clarion County YMCA
COVID-19 Emergency Operating Funding
Dyslexia Program Support
Family and Youth Initiative
Feasibility Study: Market and Sustainability Potential of Synthetic Interview Technology
Fire Department Prevention Program
Health Care Services for Underserved Pregnant Teenagers
Healthy People 2020 Community Innovations Grant: Steel Valley Wellness Collaborative
HIV/AIDS Advocacy and Support Program (Ryan White Funds)
Homebound Elderly Outreach Program
Integrating Mental Health Services with Community-Based Primary Care (FQHC Expansion)
Kids Fun Day in the Park, Corporate Sponsor for Guyasuta Days Community Festival
Kinesiatrics Facility Renovation
Library Renovations Project
Mental Health Services for Homebound Clients with Multiple Sclerosis
Mentoring Children of Prisoners
MS Therapy Center Operational Funding
Music Hall Renovations Project
Out-of-School Youth Industry Pipeline
Outreach and Education towards a Public 800 Hotline for Early Intervention of PTSD in Service Combatants Returning from the Middle East
Pediatric Home Outreach and Well-Child Care
Pittsburgh Health Corps - AmeriCorps Program
Preventing Teen Pregnancy
Projects with Industry Continuation Grant
Reducing Health Disparities Among African-American Diabetics in the East End of Pittsburgh
Reducing Tobacco Use in Pregnant Teenagers
Student and Young Adult Hotline for At-Risk Youth
Summer Youth Educational Programs
The Birth Circle for Teens: A Relational Approach to Teenage Pregnancy
Transforming Women’s Health Research (Concept Paper)
Wounded Hero Emergency Financial Relief
Youth Financial Literacy Program
Youth Literacy and STEM Technology Program
Youth Mentoring Project
Youth Trauma Informed Care Project