Crash Course in Grants answers a fundamental question on many people’s minds: “Is there a grant for my idea, nonprofit, community group, business, creative project, or personal, medical, or family need?”
There are plenty of misconceptions about grants. The pandemic, economic challenges, and a focus on improving social inequities from many funders have brought both opportunities and confusion regarding grants for public benefit.
nonprofit operations and essential programs
BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) and LGBTQIA+ communities
creative projects by individual artists
start-up and established businesses with women, veterans, and minority owners
personal, medical, and family essential needs especially for people with disabilities and disadvantages in lower-income communities
This course brings together high-demand grant workshops that Katherine has presented in the past (“Is There a Grant for That?” and “Basic Grant Proposal Writing”) for public libraries, community college and university classes, and community organizations. She addresses common questions, shares scenarios to clarify current trends, and provides tools and resources often requested by individuals, nonprofits, and businesses.
Crash Course in Grants includes the following topics (totaling 5.5 instructional hours) which Katherine has presented for the Community College of Allegheny County Community Education Program, Mon Yough Area Chamber of Commerce, and other organizations.
(1) Definition of a “grant,” how grant funding typically works and sometimes pivots to provide funding for major societal and economic problems, and how to recognize common grant schemes and scams.
(2) Differences between grants and other funding options such as private donors and investors, incubators and accelerators, low-cost loans, corporate sponsors and prizes, government-sponsored social benefit and business promotion programs, crowdfunding, and social media donation platforms.
(3) The grant cycle and funder requirements.
(4) 10 questions to build “ideas” into a lean business plan or pre-proposal plan and estimated budget.
(5) Brief coaching/feedback for individual project ideas and pre-proposal plan/budget.
(6) Expand the pre-proposal worksheet and budget estimate into a short grant proposal.
(7) Strengthening parts of a grant proposal.
(8) Finding funding sources.
(9) Coaching feedback on a short grant proposal or lean business plan and funding options.
(10) PowerPoints, one-page worksheets for lean business plans and pre-proposals, a budget estimator, and extensive resource list for nonprofits, businesses, and individuals and families.
This course was approved as an Accepted Education Program for GPCI certified individuals and candidates for the GPC certification by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute in 2022. GPCI Competencies / Skills and GPA Approved Learning Objectives are available upon request.
Katherine F.H. Heart, GPC, M.Ed. has provided grant consulting, research and writing services for 50+ nonprofit organizations since 2002 and grant training to hundreds of individuals since 2008 at nonprofits, libraries, municipalities, United Ways, community colleges, universities, and national organizations. She is the author of Grantepreneur: Getting Started in a Grant Career and Business (Red Engine Press, 2016). Signed copies are available at our web store.
Contact Us to provide a live virtual or in-person presentation for your organization.
Can’t make it to a workshop or course?
Join the Grants Café - providing “hot grant speakers, topics and networking” in a free monthly meetup group for everyone with an interest in learning about grants sponsored by Heart Resources, LLC and other consultants.
“Grant Readiness-How New Nonprofits Can Get a Good Start” (Grants Cafe recording) offers suggestions and resources for success in the first 1-3 years of fundraising and getting ready for grants, along with insights on changes through the pandemic and DEI movement. Presented by Katherine Heart and Chris Crytzer who have 75 years of combined experience working for nonprofits as program, training, and communications managers, and as fundraising and grant consultants. View the recording at
If your small business is located in Pittsburgh PA, it is suggested that you begin by contacting your local bank to apply for a low-interest line of credit. Other options include New Sun Rising, Bridgeway Capital, Small Business Development Corporations, and Entrepreneurship Programs to learn about local financial assistance.
The GPA Approved Trainer designation is based on an application containing grant course descriptions, learning objectives, competencies/skills list, and positive references of teaching skills from participants. Renewal of the application is required every three years.
The GPC is the only grant credential recognized by a nationally-accredited body and confirms mastery of the knowledge and practice of grantsmanship through formal validated testing. The GPC has become an industry standard attesting to qualifications and experience better than any college degree or grant training certificate. On May 31, 2019, the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) granted accreditation to the Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI) and the GPC credential for demonstrating compliance with the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.
The GPC credentialing process involves independent verification of awarded grants, years of grants experience, and references prior to taking the multiple choice and written exam. Maintaining the credential requires upholding ethical standards and accumulating over 100 CEUs by providing grant services and participating in professional development and volunteer service. Renewal is required every 3 years. Verify Katherine FH Heart, GPC at
In 2022, Katherine FH Heart, GPC, M.Ed. provided grant training courses that were approved by the GPCI Accepted Education Program. Participants may apply for GPCI Education Points towards acquiring or maintaining the GPC (Grant Professional Certified) credential. Learn more at