Katherine FH Heart, GPC, M.Ed. is a GPA Approved Trainer with 17 years of grant course development and training experience. Katherine presents in plain language with "can-do" enthusiasm. Content is regularly updated for regional and national trends.

Due to concerns about the unauthorized sharing of client privileged information across AI platforms, Katherine utilizes only the Grammarly-Free App to correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation and improve the readability of grant proposal drafts and training materials.

Click on the links below to view the course descriptions and specific topics. Organizations can request customized webinars and workshops on the Contact page. 

*Accepted Education Programs (*) for GPCI-certified individuals and candidates for the GPC by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute in 2022.

See the Events page for upcoming and recent presentations.

Grant Train-Coach-Mentor Service: Katherine utilizes this approach alongside the grant courses (described above) to build the capacity of small to medium-sized nonprofits and grant teams for completing competitive proposals. Use the Contact page to request an initial virtual meeting and briefly describe your organizational needs.

Katherine offers mentoring via private video calls and emails to participants in the GPA Mentor Match Program.

Katherine was one of three mentors selected for the Catalysts for Community (C4C) Program, a national pilot project to increase the capacity of under-resourced small nonprofits in NW Arkansas to apply for and manage grant awards while creating a pipeline of trained grant professionals and future nonprofit leaders. The GPA Arkansas Chapter organized the project with partial funding from the Walton Family Foundation. Nonprofits and student interns received monthly assistance from September 2023 to May 2024 to produce grant and fundraising deliverables. Katherine offered mentoring support to the mentee agency’s development director and intern’s goal of learning about federal grants by providing a First-Time Federal Grant Seeking Course to assist in furthering their mission centered around “opening avenues” of opportunity for people with disabilities.  

Katherine has provided grant presentations, webinars, and courses for these organizations from 2008 to the present.

American Therapeutic Recreation Association

Association of Fundraising Professionals-Western PA Chapter

Bayer Center for Nonprofit Management at Robert Morris University

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center (Basic and Advanced Proposal Writing and other grant workshops, 2009-2019)

Carnegie Mellon University

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Pittsburgh 

Community College of Allegheny County (Grant curriculum development and grant courses, 2009-2011, 2022)

Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery

Coro Center for Civic Leadership

East Suburban Citizen Advocacy

Emerging Philanthropy Conference sponsored by AFP/PPGC

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Mission Sustainability Cohorts in Beaver PA, Toledo OH, Fargo ND, San Francisco CA, Southwest Washington State, and Baltimore MD

Grant Professionals Association Annual Conference & Webinars

Grant Professionals Association-Western PA Chapter

Grant Professionals Certification Institute: https://www.grantcredential.org/about/gpc-exam-study-group/

Grants Cafe: https://www.meetup.com/grants-professionals-of-western-pa

Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank - Huddle 4 Hunger Conference

Indiana University of Pennsylvania - Monroeville Campus

Local Government Academy

Love Your Space Cohort sponsored by Green Building Alliance & The Forbes Funds

Marietta College Nonprofits LEAD Program in cooperation with the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley (Parkersburg, WV)

Mon Yough Area Chamber of Commerce

Open Avenues (AK)

Pennsylvania Library Association, Southwest Chapter

Pittsburgh Mercy Health System

PRO Youth & Families (Sacramento, CA)

Reimagine Fayette

River Art Works (Westmoreland County PA)

Steel Rivers Council of Governments

Sto-Rox School District

Student Conservation Association

United Way of Southwestern Pennsylvania

University of Pittsburgh: English Department, Global Studies Department, Graduate School of Social Work, National Network of Libraries of Medicine Mid-Atlantic Region

VisionServe Alliance

Volunteers of America in Pennsylvania-Working Order Program

Youth Places

Trainer Bio: Katherine (Hudgens) Heart earned a Master of Education degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1984. She received an A+ in the Grants and Fundraising Course at the Graduate School of Social Work and turned her interests to the nonprofit sector. Early in her career, she taught and managed education and training programs for nonprofit organizations before focusing exclusively on grants beginning in 2002.

Katherine’s participation in the 2012-13 SAMHSA Voice Awards Fellowship included advanced communications training and mentoring from Vanguard Communications, a national award-winning PR Agency in Washington D.C. Her planning and presentation skills were enhanced by designing and carrying out an advocacy campaign involving media outreach and motivational speaking. 

Katherine has also completed Train-the-Trainer programs with the Department of Justice and Fred Pryor Seminars, the Grantsmanship Center's 5-Day Grant Training Program, Advanced Grant Proposal Writing and Budgeting courses with the Foundation Center of New York, author Dr. Bev Browning, and many webinars offered by the Grant Professionals Association.

See these success stories from past training participants.