Katherine F.H. Heart, GPC, M.Ed. has developed and presented two government grant training courses. While there are similar topics, one is focused on federal grants and the other is designed for local governments applying for both federal and foundation grants. Content is regularly updated based on local, state and federal initiatives.

Grant Course 104: First-Time Federal Grant Seeking was presented for the Marietta College Nonprofits LEAD Program

Description: This one-day introductory course provides an opportunity to learn about the federal grant cycle including how to prepare the organization for a first-time federal application, navigating registration processes, how to use grants.gov, identifying appropriate matching grant opportunities, developing a team workplan, common formats for the narrative and budget, and the legislative advocacy involved at the pre-award stage. The information is geared to all levels of grant experience.

Takeaways include PowerPoints, a sample awarded short federal grant proposal (yes, short proposals are possible), a grant teamwork plan template, a federal grant development checklist, and a resource list. Attendees are sent an electronic packet containing templates and tools to customize for use by their organization. 

Topics: Overview of Federal Grants Application and Review Process; Researching, Forecasting and Monitoring Federal Grant Opportunities; Pre-RFP Phase of Planning, Partnering and Positioning; Updating Organizational Capacity Information and Data; Making the “Go-No Go” Decision; Developing a Grant Team and Proposal Work Plan; Plain Language Guidelines, Outlining, Writing, Editing and Reviewing the Narrative; Writing for Maximum Points and Avoiding Reviewer "Pain Points"; Incorporating a Demographic Table, Gantt Chart and/or Logic Model; Developing and Justifying the Project Budget; Preparing Frequently Requested Attachments; and Checklists for Successful Federal Grant Development and Submission.

Participants received a Certificate of Attendance. The course described above was approved as an Accepted Education Program for GPCI-certified individuals and candidates for the GPC certification by the Grant Professionals Certification Institute in 2022.


Focuses on the funding interests of local municipal staff, elected officials, citizens serving on advisory groups, and collaborating nonprofit organizations in Greater Pittsburgh / Allegheny County. Seminars were provided in 2016 and 2018, resulting in Certificates of Appreciation for dedication to “Promoting Excellence in Local Government” by the Local Government Academy. Go to our Event page for upcoming seminars or request an in-house staff workshop.

Description: The one-day seminar presents information and exercises to build skills for preparing grant applications and project budgets and researching "best fit" public and private funders. Essential pre-RFP planning and grant team process will assist organizational readiness. Attendees will learn about the common elements found in federal guidelines. We will discuss a case study of a successful federal grant project for collaboration between a Council of Governments, community nonprofits, and a business. Other issues addressed: submission preparation time and cost, and assessing "fit" and readiness for RFPs aligned with the organization's strategic and business plans. The content is suitable for all levels of experience.

Participants will takeaway PowerPoints, a sample awarded federal grant proposal, pre-proposal worksheet, grant team work plan template; common grant application outline and budget, resource development worksheet, government grant development checklist; and resource list of links to funder research sites. Following the course, attendees will receive electronic versions of the worksheets and templates to customize for use. 

Presenter Bio: Katherine has provided grant research, proposal writing and consulting services for 23 years, and presented grant training seminars for 17 years. Previously, she was a technical writer for a psychology consulting firm, and a nonprofit program manager and trainer for 15 years. Katherine has prepared winning grant applications to foundations and corporate giving programs, United Way, and local, state and federal agencies. She has worked with over 50 organizations, including health and human services, libraries, youth-serving agencies, health clinics and systems, national nonprofits, foundations, municipal entities, and universities.

In 2012, Heart Resources LLC was selected through a competitive bid to provide Grant and Revenue Consulting Services to the Municipality of Mt. Lebanon.  Heart Resources, LLC has partnered with the Steel Valley Council of Governments and nonprofit agencies in Homestead PA on an awarded Healthy People 2020 Community Innovations Project Grant from the federal Office of Disease Prevention/ Health Promotion. Katherine has served as a federal grant reviewer for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and was selected for a one-year paid 2012-13 SAMHSA Voice Awards Fellowship.

Katherine has been an invited speaker at: "Preparing and Positioning for Federal Grants" (VisionServe Alliance, see Endorsements); "Surviving the Recession with Stimulus Funding" (Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center); and "Forecast for Federal Grants" Panels (GPA-Western PA Chapter) among others. Government grant seminars have also been presented in cooperation with the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh-Nonprofit Resource Center, Pittsburgh Mercy Health System, and organizational grant teams with proposal coaching/editing for quick turnaround federal and state applications.

Contact Us to request a course, in-service topics, webinar, or conference presentation for your organization.