Following is a representative list of funders that have awarded grants to organizations from the applications prepared with Katherine’s assistance. A detailed list of awards may be shared upon request. See the Projects page for examples of funded programs.
Allegheny County District Attorney’s Office
Allegheny Foundation
Adler Family Foundation
Allegheny County Department of Human Services
American Psychiatric Foundation
Anncox Foundation
Appleby Foundation
Bannerot-Lappe Foundation
Bridgeway Capital
Jack Buncher Foundation
C. Tycho & Marie Howle Foundation
Camp Younts Foundation
William V. Campbell Family Foundation
CVS Caremark Foundation
Edith L. Trees Charitable Trust
FISA Foundation
The Forbes Funds
Fraser-Parker Foundation
The Grable Foundation
Hack Foundation
HCR Manor Care Foundation
The Heinz Endowments
Highmark Foundation
Hilda Willis Foundation
Hillman Family Foundations
Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation
Jefferson Regional Foundation
Jewish Healthcare Foundation
Earl Knudsen Foundation
Massey Charitable Trust
McAliley Foundation
McKinney Foundation
Howard and Nell E. Miller Foundation
Mine Safety Appliance Foundation
Charles M. Morris Charitable Trust
A.J. Palumbo Foundation
Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania Department of Health and Human Services
The Pittsburgh Foundation
PNC Charitable Trusts
Richard King Mellon Foundation
Richards Foundation
Rockwell Foundation
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Sartain Lanier Family Foundation
State Farm Foundation
STOP for Education - Yass Prize
TJX Foundation
Tobacco Free Allegheny
United Way of Allegheny County
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health & Human Services:
Health Resources and Services Administration
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Office of the Assistance Secretary for Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
The GPA Approved Trainer designation is based on an application containing grant course descriptions, learning objectives, competencies/skills list, and positive references of teaching skills from participants. Renewal of the application is required every three years.
The GPC is the only grant credential recognized by a nationally-accredited body and confirms mastery of the knowledge and practice of grantsmanship through formal validated testing. The GPC has become an industry standard attesting to qualifications and experience better than any college degree or grant training certificate. On May 31, 2019, the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) granted accreditation to the Grant Professionals Certification Institute (GPCI) and the GPC credential for demonstrating compliance with the NCCA Standards for the Accreditation of Certification Programs.
The GPC credentialing process involves independent verification of awarded grants, years of grants experience, and references prior to taking the multiple choice and written exam. Maintaining the credential requires upholding ethical standards and accumulating over 100 CEUs by providing grant services and participating in professional development and volunteer service. Renewal is required every 3 years. Verify Katherine FH Heart, GPC at
In 2022, Katherine FH Heart, GPC, M.Ed. provided grant training courses that were approved by the GPCI Accepted Education Program. Participants may apply for GPCI Education Points towards acquiring or maintaining the GPC (Grant Professional Certified) credential. Learn more at